Khumoyun Urinboev Python dev

A little bit about me

I design robust, scalable, secure, and globalized web-based applications. High level of curiosity, enthusiasm and interest of working on socially integrated projects.

What I know?


I have of experience. I am still researching and playing with it.


This is a my favourite framework. I like playing with bulk requests. I have of experience. I've been focused on backend development those years.

Django Rest Framework

year of experience. This is the most of useful framework for scalable APIs.

Docker, Docker-compose

I deployed some projects for scaling and easy deploying with this awesome dev tool.

PostgreSQL and others in SQL family

Well, I usually use Postgres with ORM (Django ORM) since I started using Django, but you can't achieve everything with ORM, or sometimes it becomes super slow. In that kind of cases I write SQL queries to optimize our solutions. I like playing transactions and race conditions with it.


I’ve never finished a project with this. I just opened the bootstrap doc and figured out what to do.
If you need a front-end dev, close this tab, exit the site.

Version control

GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket and other VCSs. I'm good at using it, but it's not fun to participate in 'git wars', or more properly 'merge wars'.

Deployment / Server management

Deployed many projects successfully, fixed tons of bugs on existing projects in production. Configuring Nginx, Gunicorn (for Django projects), containarization of projects - those are the tasks I usually do.


Agile/Scrum, Kanban, TDD

What I've done so far...

Education Management System - backend and frontend of the project.

Admission 2022 for academic lyceums - backend of the project and deployment.

@Hopsrobot - An officer robot for Python UZBEKISTAN Community. [Contributor]

Other projects that are not listed here are either not web-related or didn't succeed or I just didn't want to show (which means they might be some kind of worthless crap).



I started learning CS from vocational collage. I have acquired fundamental knowledge at this stage

2018 - mid

First steps in programming. Started with Python.


Student of Tashkent University of Information and Technologies, Software Engineering faculty.


I won a scholarship for a deeper study of python by the Embassy of the United States. I gained knowledge of python basics, OOP, data structure and a little Deep Learning there.

2020 (Sept)-2021 (Jun)

Software Engineer at Thinkland Solutions.

I designed and developed web applications based on analysis of client specifications using a variety of tools and technologies. Stored and processed data and built complex back-end modules to integrate into existing applications..

2021 (Nov) - 2023 (May)

Part-time Software Engineer at Center for implementation of e-learning in educational institutions.

I developed for admission. I am developed web based applications with Django and Django Rest Framework. I used GitHub self-hosted runner for managing CI/CD. Jenkins for frontend project deployment. Used stacks: Python, Django, FastAPI, MongoDB, Postgresql

2021 (Oct)-current

Part-time Software Engineer at EPOS SYSTEMS

Currently I am managing five microservices which is developed with Django and FastAPI all in a Docker. I'm designing and developing web based applications which are responsible for authentication desktop clients and managing cash desks using Agile/Scrum methodologies. Proficient at learning new technologies, designing modules, and integrating external APIs, utilizing creative problem solving and unit testing to increase functionality and performance. An integration with banking systems and national tax systems. Using stacks: Python, Django, pytest, FastAPI, MongoDB


Gitlab: Xumoyun

Github: Khumoyun098

LinkedIn: Khumoyun Urinboev

Telegram: @KhumoyunUrinboev